Fruit Fly Trap (Kitchen-safe)

This is not quite succulent-related, but it works so well and is sort of plant-related, so I decided to put up a page on it. The subject is FRUIT FLIES! You know, those often-red-bodies tiny things that show up AS SOON as your tangerines get soft or your strawberries get a bit of mush? They're awful, but there's actually a really simple, chemical-free way to rid yourself of them!

  • A glass jar
  • A piece of paper
  • One piece of tape
  • A bit of rotten fruit
Make sure your cone tapes down to a hole no larger than 1" wide.
  1. If you haven't already, clean the jar enough so that you can SEE that you're trapping flies.
  2. Roll your piece of paper into a cone. The idea is that it is shaped like a funnel.
  3. Tape your paper into the funnel shape (you do not have to tape it to the jar itself)
  4. Put a piece of old fruit in the jar.
  5. Put the paper cone in the jar.
  6. Catch those flies!

Tape the paper to keep it rolled up.
Fruit flies, like all flies, aren't bright, and they find it easy to fly INTO a funnel but not out of one. There are so many flies in this trap you can't even see them. I had one infestation that turned into two when some discount strawberries turned on me quite quickly. There are only a few flies left out of the trap, and they'll be in there soon. All I need to do now is take it outside and toss it in the garbage can!
Small piece of apple was first, then the strawberry.

Notice how they can't squeeze out between the paper and the side of the jar opening.

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