About Succulent Succulence

My first succulent blooming for the second time and nearly my height.

For the vast majority of my life I was death to plants. My thumb was brown. Every plant I bought died, until I potted an aeonium and put it on the patio of my tiny condo. It wouldn't die. I neglected it more than any other plant, I've ever owned, and it not only survived, it grew!

My first succulent when transferred to the ground for the first time. It's HUGE now.

  I became more interested in succulent plants, which I had formerly thought of as "old-fashioned plants" from the amazing popularity that led nearly everyone I knew as a child to own at least one jade plant or a donkey tail hanging from their eaves. I never appreciated the plants were popular because of how easy they were to care for.

  When I moved to my house we installed an automated drip system, and I learned how to add new lines. This changed my gardening life. It also changed the life of my garden, which would no longer have to rely on undependable me to water it! My thumb isn't brown anymore, it's looking decidedly seasick.

This lovely plant carries the colloquial name "Baby Toes."

  I own dozens of species of succulent plants now, and one large frustration I've had is with the lack of information available in print-form. I've found a total of three books that I've found useful, and a couple of websites. Since I couldn't find the information I wanted without a difficult search, I decided to add some in a digestible format. The title? I'm really into alliteration and puns. Sorry.

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